Here are my predictions of what is coming out of Cupertino this year...
January - Announcement of Verizon iPhone, same as current iPhone 4 except CDMA instead of GSM.
February/March - iPad 2 comes in same form factor as current, only slimmer. Adds front and rear cameras with FaceTime. Available with wi-fi only or wi-fi and CDMA/GSM 3G data. May include new dual core A5 processor.
April/May - New iMac. Additional smaller model with a lower price point. If history holds true we will also get a sneak peek at what's coming in iOS 5.
June/July - iPhone 5 and iOS 5. The iPhone 5 will probably still not be an LTE phone, but more likely use a Qualcomm chipset that supports both CDMA and GSM, so that only one base model is needed. If the A5 chip happens this year, it will be included as well. This may be the year Apple introduces an iPhone "lite" instead of pushing the iPhone 4 down to the $99 price point, we may see a second iPhone model with less features.
August/September - New iPods, MacBooks and ePad. The usual iPod updates will come in the fall as well as new MacBooks that will be more like the Air, with integrated SSD and without optical drives. The big surprise could be a 7" iPad, I call the ePad, aimed at the K-12 market.
October/November - MacOS X Lion, New AppleTV. MacOS X Lion will finally be shipped and possibly even a minor update to iOS 5 adding some minor new features that didn't make the cut for June. These features may revolve around the AppleTV which will finally gain an App Store in time for the holiday shopping season.
Also possible this year are the much rumored iTunes Cloud Service, TV and movie subscription services, improvements to MobileMe and I am still holding out for some kind of home server product. We'll just have to wait and see...
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