Says everything that needs to be said about how Apple has changed the world, don’t you think?
Click here for the whole story.
Says everything that needs to be said about how Apple has changed the world, don’t you think?
We hear that Apple needs to build an entry-level, less expensive iPhone or risk being left behind as Android dominates the smartphone world. Or, something like that. Such analysis overlooks Apple’s typical customer, and, importantly the customers Apple does not want.Click here for the whole story.
With the barrage of products Apple released at the end of 2012, we have to wonder what Tim Cook and company have in store for us for 2013...Click here for the rest of the post.
If Apple were to split up, how would the company be divided? Into iPhone, iPad and Mac? Or hardware, software, and services? These are the most obvious ways to divide the company, but I don’t see either of these options will really benefit the company or its shareholders.
I propose a different idea. I suggest a division more like General Motors has. I suggest Apple needs to be set up like Chevrolet, Cadillac, and GMC Trucks...Click here to read the whole post.