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Saturday, March 31, 2012

How Apple is making the world a better place.

A great post by Mike Elgan over at Cult of Mac about how Apple is improving the world.
Apple is the global economy’s single most powerful economic force opposing a great death spiral in which margins are squeezed, goods get shoddier, people make less money and our lives just get cheaper in every way.
Read the entire post here.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Twelve Lessons of Steve Jobs

Here is a great TEDx presentation by Guy Kawasaki about the 12 things he learned from Steve Jobs.

The Apple Experience

Here's a good article over at about a new book called The Apple Experience by Carmine Gallo:

If you are wondering why your recent trip to the Apple Store left you loving Apple more than ever and want your customers to feel the same way about your company, we’ve got the book for you.
The Apple Experience by veteran Apple/Technology author Carmine Gallo deep dives into the Apple Retail experience and breaks down exactly what it is that Apple retail employees are trained to do to make a customer feel good about an experience (and want to come back).  The 235 page book goes through every aspect of employee training and pours through countless hours of interviews with employees and shoppers on Apple’sApproach, Probe, Present, Listen, End five steps of service.
The article contains a fascinating excerpt from the book about a buying experience at an Apple Store.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Why Apple will build the iPad Mini...

A.T. Faust III over at AppAdvice explains why it makes total sense for Apple to build the 7.85 inch display iPad Mini.
Apple will release a 7.85-inch tablet later this year. And yes, it’s going to be called the iPad mini. It may or may not have the “skinny” bezel everyone’s been talking about, but two things are crystal clear: It’ll sport a 163 PPI 1024 x 768 display, and lots of folks are going to buy it.
Read the entire story here.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Would Steve Jobs Have Released The iPad 3?

This question is going to be asked from now on for every Apple product release.  Here's a good article by Gene Marks over at
"Of course he would. For starters, these problems are not significant.  I’ve been selling Microsoft products for years.  Believe me…I know what significant problems are!  Yes, the iPad 3 runs a little hotter.  But no one’s saying it’s going to catch on fire..."